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Cinereous Harrier

Cinereous Harrier

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(Circus cinereus) 
‘I see and welcome my pain; I go through it to understand it. This fills me with wisdom and roots me to the physical world, from where I can share my gifts as an offer to the Universe.’ 
Invites us to welcome pain, bringing the deep understanding that each person needs to go through their own experiences to obtain personal growth. Respect and confidence in other’s processes, setting boundaries from compassion. Finding a place from which we can be of service considering our gifts and limitations. Healing abilities. Deep compassion and love for all beings, desiring that all can achieve fulfilment. 
Uses: Sensitive people who struggle to ground. Sense of impotence in the face of the injustices of the world, which can lead to apathy, extreme sadness, hatred or rebellion. Important spiritual essence that helps the soul to ground more fully, including the personal task into the sphere of social consciousness. Therapists, healers, carers, parents or anyone who must see others suffering.

- Add 7 drops from the stock bottle to 30 ml of dosage bottle for direct intake. You can take just one or combine as many as you need in one bottle. Once all essences are added, top up the bottle with water and a preservative of your choice (like Brandy, glycerine or vodka). 

- More or fewer drops of this essence can be used if deemed necessary. 

- The standard dose for direct intake is 7 drops / 2 times a day. In more acute states, the intake can be increased to 3 or 5 times a day and even taken every 5 or 10 minutes during a crisis until the state passes. 


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